Adding Value
to Additive Manufacturing



Metal Powders and Solutions for AM

Our team of experts ensures success and adds value throughout the additive manufacturing (AM) process. We specialize in manufacturing standard and custom powders, and also produce hardware for powder management. With a focus on quality and innovation, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our customers.

PowderRange Bottle


Extensive selection of off-the-shelf alloy powders for metal additive manufacturing.

Our quality metal powders are optimized for additive manufacturing. We are a sustainable partner offering rapid order turnaround and delivery.

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Powder Management

Manage risk, enhance safety and optimize economics with hardware and lab testing services.

Closed-loop powder handling to reduce powder contamination and avoid exposure to safety and environmental hazards.

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Custom Powder

Metal powders designed to deliver the precise mechanical properties your application demands.

For many alloys, Carpenter Additive are able to offer different products of the same composition, optimized for your particular application.

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Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing - Aerospace Lightweight Brackets
Aerospace Lightweight Brackets

Additively manufactured aerospace brackets are developed to maximize performance while reducing weight through geometry optimization and high-strength materials.


Related Resources

Browse our additive experts' library of resources including white papers, product brochures, technical datasheets, webinars, and more.