Silicon Core Iron B-FM

Silicon Core Iron B-FM is a modified free-machining alloy offering improved machining characteristics with no sacrifice in magnetic properties. It displays lower residual magnetism, higher electrical resistivity, and is more magnetically soft when heat treated under identical conditions than Silicon Core Iron B, with magnetic characteristics and cold working/cold forming properties in the same range. Silicon Core Iron B-FM is melted in electric arc furnaces to exacting chemical specifications and carefully controlled through all manufacturing processes to produce a fine-grain, uniform quality magnetic core iron. This alloy should be considered for use in applications requiring a magnetic core component superior to mild steel, magnetic iron (99.2% Fe minimum), and a 1% silicon core iron.

Type Analysis

  • Carbon (Nominal) 0.03
  • Phosphorus (Nominal) 0.12
  • Silicon (Nominal) 2.5
  • Manganese (Nominal) 0.4
  • Iron (Nominal) Balance

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Applicable Specifications

  • ASTM A867 Alloy 2F






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