Ti 3Al-2.5V

UNS #R56320

Ti 3Al-2.5V is a titanium near-alpha alloy that represents a good compromise between formability and strength. It is stronger than commercially pure titanium (at both room and elevated temperatures). Unlike Ti 6Al-4V, it has the ability to be cold-rolled. Also known as ASTM B348 Grade 9.

Type Analysis

  • Carbon (Maximum) 0.05
  • Titanium (Nominal) Balance
  • Iron (Nominal) 0.3
  • Aluminum (Nominal) 2.5-3.5
  • Nitrogen (Maximum) 0.02
  • Hydrogen (Maximum) 0.015
  • Oxygen (Maximum) 0.12
  • Vanadium (Nominal) 2.0-3.0

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Applicable Specifications

  • ASTM-F2146
  • ISO 5832-11


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