Fixed Wing

Fixed Wing

Trusted Strength, Toughness, and Power in Aerospace Metallurgy

Aerospace engineers trust us to provide mission critical metallurgy with solutions for fatigue strength, toughness, power, and corrosion resistance. With specialty metals produced at our renowned domestic mills, the Air Force can fly, fight, and win in air, space, and cyberspace.


Fixed Wing

Structural Components
Structural Components

High strength and toughness are essential for critical structural components, such as landing gears. Our alloys are engineered so critical components can reliably withstand stresses induced under severe conditions.


To effectively increase thrust, afterburner materials must be able to withstand elevated temperatures in harsh conditions. We engineer solutions for maximized performance of reheat components.

Tailhook / Arrester Hook
Tailhook / Arrester Hook

To meet the high demands on tensile strength and fracture toughness for the rapid deceleration requirements of a tailhook, the US Navy turned to us to engineer an optimal solution.


Controlling the movement of an aircraft is essential to operation, and the strength of actuation systems is critical to performance. We offer the strongest materials to enable smaller, lightweight designs.


Fasteners add weight. On aircraft, the strength to weight ratio is critical. Meanwhile, quality is essential in no-fail situations that include temperature extremes, high pressures, stress and weight loads, and corrosion.

Work with Carpenter Technology to improve your product and your process.

We develop new materials that can meet or exceed your design parameters and help you achieve performance breakthroughs. This allows you to design smaller and/or lighter with parts and materials that avoid fatigue or fracture. These lighter components can improve performance, increase operating hours and reduce field failures.


Customers call on us when they need to rethink the boundaries of specialty alloys

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