Silicon Core Iron B

Silicon Core Iron B is a magnetic core alloy with very low hysteresis loss, medium electrical resistivity and high initial permeability in AC and DC circuits, low residual magnetism in DC circuits, and virtual freedom from magnetic aging. With a higher electrical resistivity than Silicon Core Iron A, Silicon Core Iron B is melted in electric arc furnaces to exacting chemical specifications and carefully controlled in rolling and annealing practices to produce a fine-grained uniform quality magnetic core alloy. Silicon Core Iron B is not recommended for components which must be cold formed due to its high silicon content.

Type Analysis

  • Carbon (Nominal) 0.03
  • Silicon (Nominal) 2.5
  • Manganese (Nominal) 0.15
  • Iron (Nominal) Balance

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Applicable Specifications

  • ASTM A867 Alloy 2






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