
Light Duty Vehicles

Engineering right-sized solutions for powertrain application specific performance needs.

Our consistent quality, combined with our metallurgical expertise, enables our customers to select the right-sized solution for a wide variety of internal combustion engine applications. Our commitment to the industry is reflected in our global business partnerships and the performance we deliver.


Light Duty Vehicles

Carpenter Technology Engine Valves
Engine Valves

Increasing peak cylinder temperatures and pressures require high performing, yet cost-effective alloys with excellent elevated temperature fatigue behavior. We offer a total solutions package for superior heat and wear resistance.

Carpenter Technology Fuel Injectors
Battery Management Systems

In highly corrosive gasoline injectors, Carpenter Technology’s variety of stainless and specialty materials with high-strength corrosion resistance serves the most ambitious design criteria for mechanical and magnetic properties.

Carpenter Technology Exhaust manifold and turbocharger fasteners
Exhaust Manifold and Turbocharger Fasteners

Our wide range of heat-resistant alloys in various product forms helps our customers achieve the optimal balance of performance and temperature strength for their operating environment and manufacturing strategy.

High Temperature Gaskets

Carpenter Technology’s wide range of strip thickness and alloy capabilities will allow you to customize your gasket design to meet your sealing and temperature needs.

Work with Carpenter Technology to improve your product and your process.

From the Model-T to Formula 1 to the emergence of electric vehicles, we have been instrumental in the development of the automobile for its entire history. We have the knowledge and experience to bring novel solutions to your design challenges. Carpenter has the products and processes that give you a critical competitive edge.

We provide our nickel-based alloys (available in bar form and PTA powders) at a global pricing structure, helping our customers by providing consistent global quality and part design costs while meeting stringent design requirements such as the higher operating temperature of today's internal combustion engines. This allows OEMs to downsize internal combustion engines to facilitate mild hybridization.


Customers call on us when they need to rethink the boundaries of specialty alloys

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